Thursday, September 3, 2009

On the Move

I have two little boys who are ON THE MOVE! Check this out. . .

first, Brody learned to crawl! I knew he would crawl early since he spends a lot of time on his tummy, but I wasn't ready for it. EVERYTHING is in his hands and mouth now. Yikes. I need to really stay on top of that!

Then, Sunday Mason learned to swim! I didn't see this coming at all. He's been jumping into the deep end for about a year, but never without a lifevest or Rip to pull him to the surface. Suddenly his limbs just all started to work together and he was legitimately swimming. We were so proud!

I can almost hear both boys' little minds working. . ."I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. . ."


  1. Thumbs up, Mason! I've had my girls in swim lessons mainly for safety! Isn't it wonderful that he is getting the hang of it? And...I want a pool invite! Your beautiful pool is calling my name! Ha! :)

  2. Movin'Movin'Movin'.....ahhhh, hard to keep up now...the motors running. Cannot wait to scoop the boys up and give Grammie Smooches and Giggles. Love you.

  3. Way to go Mason!!! Keep it up and you will be faster than Daddy!

    Love you!
