Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Queen of Pulling Teeth

Mason came home from school on his third day holding a film canister.  

"Mommy, guess what's in here?"

(I was so terrified it was a bug.)

I was beyond surprised when he showed me the contents.

A tooth?

Apparently, one of his classmates had a really loose tooth, and their teacher, Mrs. McGann told him that she was the QUEEN of pulling teeth.  And of course, she pulled the classmate's tooth right out.

Now, it should probably be reiterated that this classmate's tooth was actually LOOSE.  Not barely wiggly with a teeny, tiny range of motion.  So how exactly did Mason leave for school with a barely wiggly tooth, and come home with a hole in his smile?

Well, he said something like this:
"Mommy, I just had a feeling that she could do it.  I thought it might be ready.  And it was!"

The funny thing is that it really was far from ready.  He would have thrown a tantrum if either Rip or I had tried to pull that deeply rooted tooth.  But he thinks teachers are superheroes (I do, too), and he had full confidence in her.  So he bravely let her pull it.  

A hole in his smile and $2 later, and he's a happy, happy kid.

If only it were that simple forever!


  1. Yeeeee-ouch!!!!!! But, darn how cute mr.mason looks with a window in his mouth! Jon got out the pliers a few weeks ago with laney. I couldn't even be in the same room...even in the house. Whew! Rock on mason's teacher!!!:)

  2. Hi Kristen! Your boys are so stinkin cute!!! My dad always used to pull my teeth well before they were ready! I hope Indiana is treating you well!!! Hope to see you soon! Maybe we could meet at the outlet??? Miss you!!!!
